Our Data Privacy Pledge
Data security and privacy matter enormously in veterinary medicine and associated industries, as does transparency and accountability. As your partner, we felt it important share a few key points from our terms of service and privacy policy that govern our approach to data privacy.
We will never sell your data.
VetVerifi will never sell your data, in any capacity, without a prior written authorization as stated within our terms of service.
The data supplied to VetVerifi is owned by the contributing party (Veterinarian Clinic or Hospital) and your clients. As such, our data verification philosophy is that the contributed data will only be used to power the VetVerifi verification services our clinic partners have explicitly authorize, such as verifying the immunizations and health status of a patient to support scheduling/admittance for our pet care services, emergency care, property management, travel and rescue partners.
We govern access, verify pet owner consent, and validate permissible purpose.
In accordance with data privacy laws and good data stewardship, VetVerifi requires all users to agree to our terms of service which, among other requirements, requires users to capture and maintain consent from a legal pet owner before contributing data to VetVerifi.
Therefore, pet owner consent is required to either contribute or share their pet health records for verification purposes.
Additionally, prior pet owner consent or authorization is required to request, query and receive a pet verification.
We access and utilize endpoint data only to be used for verification services.
VetVerifi acts as the distribution partner between the contributing vet and the verifying entity, transmitting pet records between the two parties when pet owner consent and authorization requirements are present.
The VetVerifi verification services include:
Verifications to determine the current status of a patient's Vaccinations/Immunizations to maintain safe and compliant application, admission and scheduling requirements and standards.
Verifications to improve clinical patient outcomes in the event of an Emergency and Urgent Care visit.
VetVerifi will not require a separate authorization from the pet owner to distribute their pet data. The distribution is permitted when both parties (contributor and verifier) capture and maintain pet owner consent and authorization.
VetVerifi reserves the right to audit consent and authorization for compliance to these requirements through any means necessary.
VetVerifi additionally requires all verifying users to disclose the purpose under which the pet records will be used. The permissible purpose(s) today include the verification of pet records for adherence to pet service vaccination requirements, residential housing policies, travel and hospitality restrictions and prescription drug servicing.
The verifier's permissible purpose will be selected during the user onboarding, followed by a perjury statement attesting that the information is accurate and correct.
Our Terms of Service
Read our Terms of Service for our software and for veterinary data contributors.
Our Privacy Policy
Read our VetVerifi Privacy Policy.